SVANC Committees
Committees are the heart of our neighborhood council. Committees are where ideas to improve our community are first considered and developed to be presented to the to the full council. To be notified of any Committee Meetings, please sign-up for our NEWSLETTER, and click the committee that interests you. You may unsubscribe at any time!
- Executive Committee – Handles administrative duties for the board including preparing the board agendas, reviewing reports from the other committees,and provides guidance to ensure the well-being of the Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council. The Executive Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month, and all SVANC committee chairpersons are asked to attend.
- Outreach/Community Affairs Committee – Dedicated to informing all Sun Valley Stakeholders about what is going on in y/our Neighborhood Council and things happening in the community.
- Finance & Budget Committee – Prepares and manages the SVANC budget. Vets and summarizes financial details for presentation to the Executive Committee and ultimately the board. Please note: As of May 12, 2016, the Finance Committee will hold a monthly meeting jointly with the Executive Board on the first Tuesday of the month. Additional standalone Finance Committee meetings may be called.
- Planning & Land Use Committee (PLUM) – Reviews planning notices for CUPs (conditional use permits) and zoning changes within the SVANC boundaries. Checks sites and attends planning hearings as necessary. As of May 2021, the committee meets the fourth Thursday of the month.
- Beautification Committee – Works on community beautification projects such as landscaping, median improvements, tree plantings, neighborhood clean ups and streetscape improvement projects in Sun Valley.
- Homeless Committee (ad hoc) – Aims to resolve issues of conflict, recommends policy changes to local government officials and provides a forum for the discussion of ideas among law enforcement officials, other City employees, Neighborhood Council members, service agencies, religious institutions, the homeless and other members of the Sun Valley community.
- Election Committee (ad hoc) – Handles administrative duties during the election cycle and for all board appointments, guided by the SVANC Bylaws and Standing Rules. Reviews past election procedures and makes recommendations to EmpowerLA for any changes needed.
- Bylaws Committee (ad hoc) – Reviews and recommends amendments to the SVANC Bylaws and Standing Rules.
- Public Safety / Emergency Preparedness Committee – Offers information, advice, and works with the community about public safety and emergency preparedness.
- Environmental Committee (ad hoc) – Addresses environmental concerns in the Sun Valley Area. This committee also will handle concerns of environmental impacts from the CHSRA’s High Speed Rail.
Any Sun Valley NC Stakeholder may be a member of a SVANC Committee (except the Executive Committee). You do not need to be on the board to be a member of almost all SVANC Committees. Certain committees such as Planning & Land Use do have some requirements.
Members of the public are welcome at any committee meeting. Comments made during the public comment period should be relevant to, and within the scope of, the committee.
If you are interested in becoming a member of a committee, please [email-obfuscate email=” SVANC website – Committee Query” link_title=”Email SVANC”] or call 818-767-8262.
For notification of any of the above listed Committee Meetings and the Board Meetings, SUBSCRIBE to be notified…you will not be spammed!