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Board Member Information

Seated Board Member Information

For all EmpowerLA Trainings using Cornerstone:

Neighborhood Council Trainings

Board Member Orientation

This is an overview of documents to keep board members informed. This information covers the basics that new board members need, and serves as a reference point when a refresher or more detail is needed. Please go to NC Trainings Page for all training materials and access to the Cornerstone Portal.

  • Ethics Training (per CA state law and to be able to vote on funding items – no grace period) – you will be issued a certificate of completion that must show 2 hours or more has been taken for the training. This certificate must name SVANC as the organization and be signed and dated by you, and sent to the SVANC Secretary –
  • NC Funding Training (to be able to vote on funding items – no grace period) – Watch the 11 minute NC Funding video (be ready for quiz that follows)
  • Funding Quiz & Registration: Take a simple quiz and register with the City Clerk’s office.
  • Board member Registration: Provide basic information about yourself and indicate the training you have accomplished, through EmpowerLA.
  • Code of Conduct Training OR Sign a Code of Conduct Certificate (30 day grace period) – this can be done by reading a document or watching a short video, then signing an acknowledgement online. Send a copy of the confirming email with signature intact to the SVANC Secretary, or a hard copy signed and given to the SVANC Secretary. After 30 days of the election/appointment, if not signed and submitted, the board member will be removed from the board.

Board Member Funding and Ethics Training

Board members must take “Ethics” training every 2 years, along with “Funding” training, in order to be able to vote on funding related agenda items. Candidates should go through the training process to be prepared to vote on funding items in case they win a seat. Anyone can go through the training for educational purposes.

Please note that the instructions and training may seem more complicated than they really are. As long as you follow the basic information and principles, it will “make more sense” as you gain experience in office. There are also many aspects of the Ethics training that are not typically encountered in the Neighborhood Council experience.

If you have questions or are having computer issues, please contact us for assistance ([email-obfuscate email=” Training Issues” link_title=”Email SVANC Board”] or leave a message at 818-767-8262). We are happy to help you get fully certified.

IMPORTANT! When your training is complete, you need to report this information to SVANC and self-register with EmpowerLA.
Access EmpowerLA’s Boardmember Registration Information Page

Can’t remember when your training expires? Please visit the SVANC EmpowerLA page to see all Board Members’ training expirations and terms.

Board Member NC Code of Conduct Policy Information and Registration

Per EmpowerLA, all Neighborhood Council board members are required to read, sign, and submit a Code of Conduct Policy document OR go through a training alternative within 30 days of being newly elected or appointed.

Board Member Applicants or anyone wishing to take the training

NC Board Member Code of Conduct Policy

Board Member Trainings

Go to the EmpowerLA Trainings Portal.

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