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About SVANC & Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils

Neighborhood Councils were created through the 1999 Los Angeles City Charter reform package (Article IX) to promote citizen participation in government, better connect residents with their city government, and to make government more responsive to local needs. Neighborhood councils are direct links to our City Council and City governmental departments.

Neighborhood Councils are composed of volunteers from your community, elected by you, our stakeholders: those who live, work, own property or a business in Sun Valley. The Board consists of community stakeholders, just like you, who regularly meet to discuss and prepare presentations and address issues of needs and concerns of the local community and those affecting all of Los Angeles.

Neighborhood Councils work as a locally accessible arm of the City, working together to influence decisions and accomplish common goals for the City and within our local neighborhoods … where we live, work, play, shop, study, and raise our families.

Additionally, Neighborhood Councils including the SVANC have Committees dedicated to specific concerns of the community and city, such as Beautification, Community Outreach, Planning & Land Use, Emergency Preparedness, etc. Anyone can attend these meetings.

We need and encourage your participation — whatever time and talent you can volunteer. Join your fellow neighbors at our next meeting. All meetings of the SVANC are open to stakeholders and interested parties.

We are your community. Be part of your neighborhood council and help to change and empower our community. All for One – and One for All!

SVANC Rules and Procedures:

(Approved 2022-May-18)

(Adopted 2015-Mar-27, Amended 2019)

SVANC Code of Civility

SVANC Mission Statement

Rosenberg’s Rules of Order from EmpowerLA

Helpful LA City Contacts

The Latest City Council Legislative Reports (for CIS information)

© 2025 Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.