Was it more of a cleanup or a lovefest? Our Assemblywoman Luz Rivas set up a terrific cleanup of the I-5 Freeway offramp at Sunland with Caltrans for April 15, and we can hardly wait to work with everyone again. Ms. Rivas donned a hard hat and shouldered tools with the rest of us and set to work. Also present were her great team, Lilia Monterrosa of Congressman Tony Cardenas’ office and the fantastic Key Club students (and parents) from Poly High School. We were represented by Norma O. Chávez, Rosalio Garcia, Monica Vacas, Wendy Thum and former member Steven Garcia. SVANC provided breakfast burritos from Chiguacle, who hosted us at their parking lot.
It was the perfect kick-off for Earth Day, Earth Week and maybe even Earth Year!